M. Daniel Hatch, M.D.

Shoulder Specialist

Dr. Hatch is an accomplished orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder and elbow conditions. With a wealth of training and experience, he provides expert care to his patients, combining surgical expertise with a compassionate approach.

Dr. Hatch’s passion for shoulder and elbow surgery led him to refine his skills through extensive training using the latest techniques. He has a deep understanding of the surgical complexities and employs the latest advancements in the field to deliver exceptional care.

Dr. Hatch's commitment to excellence in orthopedic surgery, particularly in the field of shoulder and elbow care, is exemplified by his extensive experience and dedication to his patients' well-being. He uses both his surgical skills and understanding bedside manner to help guide patients through obtaining a successful outcome from the treatment of their condition whether it be through or surgery or other nonsurgical measures.  

Outside of his professional endeavors, Dr. Hatch cherishes his personal life.  Dr. Hatch and his wife, Geidy have five wonderful children. Driven by their love for the Wasatch Back area, they find joy in living and enjoying the natural beauty of the region.  He loves anything with his family as well as skiing, golfing, and boating.

Areas of Expertise

  • Shoulder and Elbow Injuries
  • Trauma Care (fractures)


Physician Assistant

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Education & Training


Professional Memberships

Book Chapters